Steven is a PhD student. He applies sequence clustering methods to understand care trajectories where multiple conditions occur within the same patient over time.
Prior to joining the HDR UK PhD programme, he worked as a statistician at KEMRI-Wellcome Trus. He has a BSc economics and statistics from Chuka University, a PGD in health research methods from Pwani University and KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, and an MSc in biostatistics from the University of Nairobi.
Steven’s first experience in health data research was when he started a post graduate diploma studentship in health research methods to study causality using Mendellian randomisation at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme. This sparked his interest more into health research and went on to study missing data and multilevel data modelling in routine health data for his master’s project.
Steven has an interest in modelling routine health data to learn patterns of health care provision and access, and pathways/trajectories of care.
He is also interested in exploring deep learning frameworks for re-purposing drugs. He believes these are important and timely research problems which would provide creative solutions that would improve the health and wellbeing of patients.