Partnership Principles

  • Public benefit – our research and partnerships are driven by benefit to patients and the public
  • Priorities/aims align with the Centre’s thematic areas
  • Team science approach – collaboration with other organisations and across disciplines to more rapidly meet our priorities and aims
  • Open science – results, methods, tools, outputs and outcomes from our work will be re-used and developed beyond the scope of a project to benefit the health data science research communities, patients and the public, leading to more robust, efficient and cost-effective health research
  • Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) principles in the use of data and tools in our research that follows the 5 safes framework (
  • Leadership in meeting the highest ethical, regulatory and information governance standards

Partnership categories   

  • Funding
  • Data access and/or infrastructure development
  • Expertise for methodological or analytical innovation and development
  • Research projects
  • Engagement of relevant communities – professional and public
  • Events or workshops
  • Training