Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

The BHF Data Science Centre Public Advisory Group advises and supports the work of the Centre.

Our PPIE Vision

Our vision is to work with patients and the public to co-produce quality research that is relevant to patients affected by heart and circulatory disease, and the public as a whole. Involving patients and the public in our work ensures that research carried out using people's data is transparent, trustworthy and acceptable.

What do we do?

Public Advisory Group

Our Public Advisory Group is made up of members of the public who have lived experience of heart and circulatory diseases, stroke and/or diabetes, and have an interest in our areas of work.

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Get involved

Start a conversation with us to find out more about how to join our group or attend some of our PPIE events.

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What do we do?

Outputs and impact

Our public contributors and involvement activities are crucial in ensuring that our work delivers on meaningful outputs.

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We have curated a list of some great PPIE resources below.

Health Data Research UK Voices

Voices is a network of people interested in influencing and shaping the work of HDR UK, our founding partner and national institute for health data research. If you join, you can get involved in any of the opportunities we have available.

Visit the website

HDR UK – Involve to Improve

Learn about the different areas of work at Health Data Research UK and how we involve patients and the public to shape and influence our work.

Visit the website

What is Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)?

Working with patients and the public to shape our research, and engage with it, is known as Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement, or PPIE for short.

Find out more

How is my health data kept secure and what does data linkage mean?

Research Data Scotland share short video animations which explain some of the ways patient data is kept safe and how this data is used for research.

Visit the website

Heart Matters Magazine

BHF magazine for all things related to the heart.

Visit the website

Data Jargon Buster

Are you keen to get started in the exciting world of data, but find the terminology difficult to digest? Don’t stress, we have the perfect blog to introduce you to all the relevant jargon!

Visit the website

How is patient data used?

Find out how patient data is used, who can access patient data, how decisions are made about patient data and how it is kept safe.

Visit the website

Easy Read: Research Survey: Resources for involving the public in data research

We used a survey to find out how people involved in research can work together better.

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National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

An interactive course for new and experienced reviewers of health and social care research, which has been produced by a team of public reviewers and patient and public involvement professionals with the NIHR.

Visit the website

I want to take part in a research study

Find out more about different research studies. How to take part in a research study and why participating in a research study might be right for you.

Visit the website

Get involved

Want to find out more about PPIE? Get in touch with us.