Stroke Data Science Catalyst

This partnership between the BHF Data Science Centre, HDR UK and the Stroke Association will enable researchers to securely access, link and analyse existing UK health data, speeding up the search for better stroke prevention, treatments and care.

What is the ‘Stroke Data Science Catalyst’?

The Stroke Data Science Catalyst (a five-year partnership between the BHF Data Science Centre, HDR UK and the Stroke Association) will enable approved research teams to generate insights using data from a range of real-world settings, including hospitals, general practices and pharmacies, to improve our understanding of stroke risk factors and open the door to better prevention and treatment.

Why is the Stroke Data Science Catalyst important for cardiovascular research?

Stroke occurs when the blood supply is cut off to areas of the brain. Risk factors for stroke overlap with those for heart conditions such as heart attack and angina, and include high blood pressure, cholesterol and obesity.

Stroke strikes every 5 minutes and there are over 1.2 million stroke survivors living in the UK, you can read more about the impacts of stroke at the Stroke Association website.

What are we doing?

The aims of the Stroke Data Science Catalyst are to; improve access to data for researchers and health policy analysts who study the causes, consequences, and care of stroke; involve people affected by stroke in the use of their data; develop leadership in stroke data science research.

We are:

  • Supporting and enabling researchers to better understand and use healthcare systems data. We held an introductory webinar to highlight the support available.
  • Supporting driver projects that speed up the use of health data in stroke research.

Two research teams have been awarded funding to support driver projects that will speed up the use of health data in stroke research. The funded projects include:

Impact of COVID-19 on stroke incidence, severity, aetiology, management and outcome in younger vs. older individuals in England, Dr Linxin Li, University of Oxford.

STROKE-IMPACT: What are the long-term consequences of stroke on the patient and to the NHS, and how does COVID-19 contribute to variation?

Areas of work

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