Margaret’s experiences include various healthcare professional, public health and health services researcher roles.
Whilst she acknowledges that the re-use of health and administrative data is vital to improving the health and wellbeing of the population, she believes that this must be conducted in trustworthy ways and always with active involvement of the public.
As a member of the HDR UK’s Public Advisory Board, I have provided a public perspective and strategic advice, and served in this capacity until January 2022. Over the past four years, she has worked alongside the Institute’s colleagues across the organisation, helping to demonstrate trustworthiness in its endeavours and to provide accessible transparency. She is also a member of the Assessment Panel for the selection of the Digital Innovation Hubs and have contributed to their subsequent milestone assessments. She has provided input into the milestone assessments of the two additional research hubs. She has also been involved in the National Core Study Data and Connectivity programme and was a public member of its Delivery Group from its inception and stepped down after helping to recruit additional public members. She will continue to be a member of the programme’s wider public advisory group and the recently formed Independent Advisory Group.
Margaret has joined the BHF Data Science Centre as a public contributor to the Approvals and Oversight Board for CVD-COVID-UK/COVID-IMPACT, where she will help to ensure that the requests to use our data demonstrate trustworthiness and their subsequent research outputs will be of benefit to the public.