COVID-19 diagnosis, vaccination during pregnancy, and adverse pregnancy outcomes of 865,654 women in England and Wales: a population-based cohort study.

Authors: Raffetti E, Bolton T, Nolan J et al.

Full author list: Elena Raffetti, Thomas Bolton, John Nolan, Luisa Zuccolo, Rachel Denholm, Gordon Smith, Ashley Akbari, Katie Harron, Gwenetta Curry, Elias Allara, Deborah A Lawlor, Massimo Caputo, Hoda Abbasizanjani, Tim Chico, Angela M Wood; CVD-COVID-UK/COVID-IMPACT Consortium and the Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing COVID-19 National Core Study

CCU018_01: Estimating the short- and longer-term risk of cardiovascular disease and intermediate traits in women infected with COVID during pregnancy